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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director


50 top tweets from the HR Directors Business Summit 2014


The HR Directors Business Summit took place on February 4th and 5th 2014 at the ICC, Birmingham. HRZone was in attendance and covered the event live – you can review the coverage here.

Twitter was on fire with coverage of all sessions from exhibitors, bloggers, professionals and journalists. We’ve collected the best tweets from the event below. The hashtag was #hrevent14.

  1. We expect our leaders to create a culture that feels special. -SusieFinch
  2. 70% of employees don’t trust their managers and 30% of employees are actively disengaged. Horrifying. –pmossBuzzacott
  3. Information is power and with social media it makes power collaborative. This scares leaders and managers. -LALAUK
  4. “Put hunger above skills” We should never underrate attitude. -AysheaRobertson
  5. “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts” -Albert Einstein. -NicoleWTG
  6. Good leadership development strategy considers 3 perspectives: organisation, manager, employee, says CocaCola’s Melissa Hungerford. -ArvindHickman
  7. ‘You need courageous, engaging, coaching leaders to be a great company.’ -CultureEffect
  8. The new frontier for HR is learning how work is socially constructed. Human communities that need to be curated not directed. -gohbyname
  9. I get the feeling it is the strong culture that holds Facebook together, but there are risks in being a tribe. -danielclarkfca
  10. the Jamaican running gene? The best sprinters came from the same club. coach took talent that whisoers. love this. -OD_optimist
  11. A tendency for leaders to “take the other lift” but crucial for morale that top management is visible in a crisis -Lucy Adams, BBC HRD. -HREvent
  12. “It’s a bit tough to say that HR is an organisation’s conscience.” -SusieFinch
  13. 66% of employees don’t believe their performance review accurately reflects their work. I’m only surprised it’s not higher. -HR_Gem
  14. “HR should stop apologising for their existence” Vicki Culpin of Ashridge Business School. -MervynDinnen
  15. “Last time I checked people are not assets, they need love. Machines just need occasional maintenance” Pierre Mille, Carlsberg. -CultureEffect
  16. Valerie Hughes D’Aeth has a 90% focus on keeping the business running & the rest focus on integration. –fuchsia_blue
  17. Are you emotionally intelligent? Address your thoughts, behaviours and emotions by changing your attitude. -CarolineBelasco
  18.  ‘Learning is about disturbing people’s certainties’ – uncomfortable for some creating anxiety and fear. -GlinwoodMark
  19. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life. The only way to be satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.” -HRZone
  20. “People value is what we should be focusing on, not people process.” Will Peachey -Ana_Marica
  21. Only 1 in 3 employees come to work engaged. 1 in 3 actively unengaged. Imagine if 30% of your lights don’t work at work. -mokbeehive
  22. The difference between what u say & what u do is poison in organisations. ‘I trust you- but not that much’ (perf.mgt) -RMPreece17
  23. Reputation, relationship and risk – no longer just domain of legal team. -HREvent
  24. No more appraisals! We need to develop ways of having insightful conversations that co-create action and solutions in the moment. -gohbyname
  25. I wonder if we should get our stars to leave the company at the peak of their performance. -SVKempe
  26. I don’t think its only GenY that want to know “why?” It’s just society waking up to its importance. -HRZone
  27. Visceral intelligence “leading without saying a word”. He’s standing, smiling. I’m listening. -OD_optimist
  28. The talent agenda is hot at #hrevent14. 20% of companies have no formal plan but an ad-hoc approach. Will they survive the next 5 years? -JohnHeseltine
  29. One village in Ethiopia produced four Olympic Gold medalists. So? One STREET in Winsford produced three British bowls champions. -GaryC_GGHTrust
  30. Talent that shouts vs. Talent that whispers How to identify them, what are the statistics; Performance = Potential – Interference. -C_Catalina
  31. The learning organisation is now the sharing organisation, the connected organisation. -Cathy_Wilson
  32. Research by @ghassankarian says people feel increasingly they can have their say at work but are not confident it’s really heard. -HR_Gem
  33. “As HR professionals it’s our job to give the business what they need, not always what they want…” Martyn Phillips. -_Leading_Edge
  34. ‘Which kid in the playground are you?’ Great proxy for understanding employee dynamics. Louisa Moreton. -CultureEffect
  35. Organisational readiness – how easy do we make it for our people to do great work? -CarolineBelasco
  36. @david_arkless increase in sensors & processing power produces a new programmable world. Any environment, society + behaviour. -PerryTimms
  37. Learning that I don’t need to have a strong work ethic as I’m from the wrong generation..phew. -CultureEffect
  38. We used to have employee relations. That world has changed for ever. Now it is a world of employee engagement. –HR_Gem
  39. ‘Stratnav’ – talking your people through the strategy in a personal, interactive way – great! -Engage4Success
  40. “Ending the daily commute reduces costs, stress and environmental damage” -HREvent
  41. Too many mentions of HR people wanting to process and regulate everything. Stop stereotyping us! -HR_Gem
  42. There seems to be a common leadership theme running through the HR Director Summit. Leadership: Technical OR Social competence? -SchpeddHR
  43. “People get out of bed every morning to do I good job” Martyn Phillips. YES they do…..nobody comes to work to be mediocre. -CultureEffect
  44. “Every year CEOs rate people as biggest priority, so why don’t they put #HR in the boardroom?” -AjayBagger
  45. Feedback leave the oldest, strongest, in each yeargroup more confident and motivated. -ErikWattne
  46. Build your employees’ habit of thinking about the future with a 5 min weekly conversation. -C_Catalina
  47. Engagment plus action = mobilisation – I like that! -cathyab
  48. a fool with a tool is still a fool – focus on output not process a change of tool can change the dialogue.. -Katerose222
  49. Stuart Crabb: “the printing press, the newspaper, the television, the internet, all allow people to share.” -HRZone
  50. You wouldn’t drive a car without a licence… So make sure your leadership are equipped and able. -fuchsia_blue

Plus a few of the insightful blog posts that have come out of the event:

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Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

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