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ACAS takes on Race Relations and Equality


Following the Cabinet Office announcement RREAS (the Race Relations Employment Advisory Service) and Equality Direct (the telephone helpline for employers on equality issues in the workplace) will join Acas, the employment relations service.

Acas Chief Executive John Taylor said, “This is a welcome move as it will strengthen our expertise in this very important area of employment relations. With its unique impartial position, working in partnership with employers, employees, trade unions and other representatives alike, Acas is ideally placed to deliver an agenda of diversity in the workplace.

“Our focus is all about giving organisations practical help to develop better relationships in the workplace built on mutual trust. That way issues do not become problems. RREAS and Equality Direct have very similar aims – in fact Acas is already a partner in Equality Direct. I am delighted that Acas has been asked to take this work forward.”

RREAS Operations Manager David Taylor said, “RREAS is delighted to come under the Acas umbrella. Our services are complementary to those offered by Acas and we share the same target audience. As part of a larger organisation we will be able to extend our range and offer a more comprehensive service. We look forward to working together with Acas and its staff.”.

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