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Stockport College judged inadequate


The overall quality of further education provision at one of England’s largest colleges – Stockport College – has been judged inadequate by a team of inspectors from OFSTED and the Adult Learning Inspectorate.

According to their joint report published today Stockport College, which has over 12,800 students, six out of the 13 curriculum areas were judged to be unsatisfactory and leadership and management were also weak.

The report does identify some key strengths which are:

  • the wide range of courses, over 400, and the opportunities for progression
  • effective personal support for students
  • the promotion of equal opportunities
  • the progress made by adults on access course
  • the achievement of students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

The report also states what should be improved:

  • the effectiveness of leadership and management in:
    • setting a clear direction for the work of the college
    • establishing standards for the improvement of learning
    • assuming detailed oversight of the curriculum
    • managing and monitoring performance at all levels

  • pass rates on many courses
    • the proportion of students who complete courses
    • the quality of teaching and learning in many curriculum areas
    • the consistency of the implementation of quality assurance procedures
    • the quality of work-based learning
    • the effective of provision of Curriculum 2000
    • the assessment and teaching of key skills.

The college’s provision for higher education was not included in this inspection.

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