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TUC: ‘stress biggest problem for UK workplaces’


Excessive workloads, job cuts and rapid change are the most common triggers for rising stress levels among employees, according to TUC research.

Released ahead of International Stress Awareness Day, which takes place on 1 November, the figures show that 61 per cent of union safety reps found stress to be their most pressing concern at work.

The findings are part of the TUC’s biennial safety reps survey and show that stress levels are on the up – stress was cited as the number one hazard by 58 per cent in 2004 and 56 per cent in 2002.

London is the most stressed out part of the UK – 67 per cent of safety reps in the capital placed it top of their workplace hazards list – closely followed by the North West where 65 per cent said it was their biggest problem.

And stress seems to be more of an issue in larger workplaces. In firms employing less than 50 staff, stress was the top concern for 58 per cent of safety reps, but in organisations with more than 1,000 employees, the figure rises to 67 per cent.

When asked what factors were most likely to lead to problems with stress at work, 76 per cent said that excessive workloads were to blame.

Other issues cited include: cuts in staffing levels (57 per cent), rapid change (53 per cent), long hours working (34 per cent) and bullying (33 per cent).

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “Stress is a preventable problem and UK employers simply aren’t doing enough to minimise its impact.

“People who suffer from stress aren’t wimps, and their symptoms can make them really ill. Stressed out employees are more likely to experience weight loss, high blood pressure, depression and even heart attacks.

“With time taken off work because of stress costing UK businesses some £3.7 billion a year, it makes no sense for employers to be ignoring the problem.

“The Health and Safety Executive has made it easy for them and produced new management standards to help them tackle stress. Bosses should be doing all they can to make sure their workplaces become as stress-free as possible.”

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