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Be a green growther, says TUC


The TUC has launched a ten-step plan to cut energy use and protect the environment at work.

UK workplaces and work-related transport produce around two-thirds of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions, more than 66 million tonnes each year, the union claims. A 20 per cent cut in energy would be easy to achieve for many organisations and would be the equivalent of a 5 per cent increase in sales.

Ten steps to improving environmental responsibility at work:

  • Switch off all computer equipment, appliances, motors and machinery when not in use.

  • Take the stairs not the lift.

  • If your workplace is too hot, turn the heating down instead of opening a window.

  • If it is too cold in winter, ensure radiators and heaters aren’t obstructed and ask your employer to install better insulation or even combined heat and power.

  • Check if lighting is on unnecessarily in the middle of the day – 80% of the UK’s lighting energy is used at work.

  • If you are the last to leave, make sure you turn everything off behind you, including machinery, printers, drinks machines, fans, lights, etc.

  • Set up a green travel plan. Some employers offer incentives for lower energy ways of travelling, such as cycling, public transport, car-sharing and walking.

  • Apply the three ‘Rs’: Recycling is great, but Reducing waste and Re-using is even better.

  • Reduce water use at work through publicity and simple adjustments to taps and toilets.

  • Work together for a greener workplace.

  • The report Greening the Workplace is available online at sustainable workplace tips

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