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Annie Hayes




Bosses must shape up


Nearly half of Britain’s bosses confess to being overweight, and more than half admit they do not get enough exercise, according to a survey published today.

The “Feeding Success” survey released by catering firm Avenance reveals that over a fifth of business leaders never exercise, and in times of stress, a majority of business leaders skip meals and survive on caffeine.

The survey adds that over 10% drink alcohol every day, and that four out of five bosses don’t drink enough water. It says “long hours and limited sleep compounds the bad shape Britain’s bosses are in”.

Avenance dietician Raffaella Piovesan said, “Business leaders are already under intense pressure and they of all people should focus on taking care of their bodies and minds. In a best-case scenario a lack of well-balanced, regular meals, rest and exercise will impact on an individual’s performance. At worst these factors could fill an early grave.”

Over the next few weeks 10% of business leaders expect to eat an average of eight work-related Christmas dinners.

Nonetheless, the study shows that nearly a quarter believe that their company would suffer financially following a health scare. Over half claim their own confidence would drop and 38% believe employee morale would fall. Disturbingly nearly 70% of bosses think that their business would carry on as usual if they were to suffer a health scare.

Avenance suggests a number of tips to keep in fine fettle over the next few weeks:

  • Drink a glass of water with every glass of alcohol

  • Don’t scrape the plate clean – try to eat just half the starter and half the dessert to reduce fat content

  • Beware of filling up on nibbles such as roasted nuts and watch out for the fat-rich extras including pigs in blankets and traditional gravy made from meat stock

  • Don’t starve yourself before a Christmas meal – eat a good breakfast / lunch and healthy snacks beforehand so you don’t fill up on the wrong things

  • Arrange Christmas dinners at lunchtime to allow more time to burn off calories

  • Pile on the turkey, cranberry sauce and vegetables but go easy on roast vegetables

  • At other times of the week, when not eating Christmas dinners, make an effort to choose healthy options

  • After eating a Christmas meal in a restaurant, walk back to the office or dance the night away

The danger that the survey does not mention is that of your employees becoming suspicious that you’re being paid (or paying yourself!) too much and refusing to buy you a ‘Secret Santa’ present…

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Annie Hayes


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