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Workplace stress a low priority


Workplace stress is a low priority for many managers, despite costing the UK at least £3.7 billion a year.

Research by HSA reveals that 64 per cent of healthcare decision makers within organisations have had to deal with one or more cases of employee stress. For companies with more than 501 employees, the percentage is 95 per cent.

The Relax survey also revealed that 69 per cent of respondents felt that the issue of stress remained low on the management agenda meaning that stress issues are only tackled on a reactive, ad hoc basis. Just over half – 51 per cent – did not have any measures in place to help the organisation if the problem arose.

Suzanne Clarkson, from HSA said: “Stress is not exactly a new phenomenon. But when you consider that over half a million people experience work related stress at a level they believe has actually made them ill it would certainly make sense to acknowledge its potential effects.

“However, it is somewhat worrying that 63 per cent of respondents to our survey stated they did not feel sufficiently familiar with best practice guidelines and, consequently, most did not have any measures in place to help manage stress.

“With this in mind, it might be advisable for companies to start weighing up the cost implications of failing to take a more proactive approach – in terms of not only potential stress related litigation claims but, arguably more importantly, in terms of the general health and happiness of employees.”

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