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Member wire #98 – The top five HR issues


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 98
10 May 2005

1. Editor’s Comment: Sugar … I’m fired!
2. HDIGH? Director of Workforce Development at Great Ormond Street
3. Is the Royal Mail draw the right way to cut down on sickies?
4. The Couch?! HR nightmares
5. Any Answers: Devolving HR to the line

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Are you doing enough to protect your employees’ eyesight?

EoR: BT’s approach to employment of older Workers

Free webcast on best practices for flexible working

Editor’s note
War for talent, HR faddism, performance management, age
discrimination and the diversity imperative … different sector
different problem or across the board?

Tell us your top five HR issues and take a peek at what’s
bothering members:


Annie Hayes

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Legal and General Investment Management; The British Library;
Towry Law; Reed Consulting; McGregor Boyall Associates; Prevent
plc; Green Training; Inland Revenue; Chelsea and Westminster NHS
Trust; Insight People Development Ltd; GDC Communications Ltd;
ANZ National Bank; James & Cowper; Marks and Spencer; Health &
Safety Executive; QBE Insurance; Keith Davis Legal; Gore
District Council; QBE Insurance

Are you doing enough to protect your employees’ eyesight?
Eyecare Vouchers are a uniquely tangible way to demonstrate your
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Regular features
Editor’s Comment: Sugar … I’m fired!
Editor’s Comment looks at what can be learnt from selection the
Sugar way.

Colborn’s Corner: Internal communication – who told you about that?
Much of my work with clients involves internal communication in
one form or another and it is good to reflect on how well we go
about this vitally important, but often difficult, activity.

EoR: BT’s approach to employment of older Workers
New Age Discrimination legislation coming into force in October
2006 will have a profound effect for employers. Setting an
example for other companies, BT has introduced a portfolio of
flexible options in its approach to employing older workers with
a significant increase in its proportion of employees aged over
50 from 13% to 24% in just three years.

Is the Royal Mail draw the right way to cut down on sickies?
Royal Mail has received a battering from the media over its
controversial reward for attendance scheme.

Opinion: The value of outplacement
Research shows that employees are still looking for
opportunities for career development, and companies are still
searching for talent to attract and retain.

Free webcast on best practices for flexible working
Create freedom for your workforce: for a flexible working
culture to benefit your organisation it must be well-defined and
supported by the right tools. Microsoft has teamed up with the
London School of Economics to bring you a webcast on best
practices for flexible working. To learn more and listen to the
webcast click here:

The Couch?! HR nightmares
The Couch?! would like to give you the opportunity to have a bit
of a whinge. Post your nightmares/amusing anecdotes at the
bottom of this article.

HDIGH? Director of Workforce Development at Great Ormond Street
Dr Judith Ellis admits how being bullied by a direct line
manager destroyed her self-confidence and why this had the
biggest influence on her career – here’s her story.

Featured Any Answers question: Devolving HR to the line
Q: How do I get management to cope with less input from HR?

Elaine Outlaw

Members’ responses
(Edited comments appear – see the site for full details)

In addition to training, a solution I have used in the past is
to design some check-lists or simple guides.

Particularly around disciplinaries. A checklist for managers
would set out each step they need to take and help to ensure
they follow it through. In addition this can also be used at an
ET (if needed) of due process.

Other advice would be to ensure that you are challenging
effectively their use of your time … is it just an excuse
because they can’t be bothered to do something themselves?

Keith Luxon

Read the full responses to this question – and add your own – at

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

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