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Annie Hayes



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HR Zone Members Newswire #99 – Drink and drugs – time for tough talking?


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 99
17 May 2005

1. Editor’s Comment: Under control?
2. Feature: Training Evaluation Part 1 – What’s it all about?
3. How Did I Get Here? Paul Dowie, HR Director at ITN
4. Cut and run or stick with it?
5. Any Answers: Holiday and sickness

Editor’s note
It’s no secret that alcohol and substance abuse costs business –
last year the government put a figure of GBP 6.4 billion on lost
productivity through absenteeism, unemployment and premature
death. And it is a topic that is very much alive and well in HR
departments – last week members were debating the finer details
of drugs and alcohol policies – Andrew Galer pointing to the
human rights element of random testing:

Is enough being done and is prevention better then cure?
Editor’s Comment looks at whether UK plc should be taking the
quantum leap to lifestyle policing.


Annie Hayes

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Russell Personnel & Training; Cornwall County Council; Begbies
Traynor; Emap Communications; Atlas Interactive; Great Ormond
Street Hospital; EasyPay; Whitaker Corporation; Royal and Sun
Alliance; Bupa; Rosenblatt Solicitors; HR Smart Ltd; AXA UK;
Allied Care Limited; Tools for Leading Change; Cohn & Wolfe;
Emirates Airline

Flexible working: Free webcast on best practices
Create freedom for your workforce: for a flexible working
culture to benefit your organisation it must be well-defined and
supported by the right tools. Microsoft has teamed up with the
London School of Economics to bring you a webcast on best
practices for flexible working. To learn more and listen to the
webcast click here

Regular features
Editor’s Comment: Under control?
In an age of fast, 24-7 living where ‘stress’ is the buzzword of
social inclusion it seems inevitable that more and more workers
will turn for relief to drink and drugs but should bosses make
the quantum leap to lifestyle policing?

Feature: Training Evaluation Part 1 – What’s it all about?
In the first of a short series of articles on evaluation, Martin
Schmalenbach looks at the work of Donald Kirkpatrick and others
in setting a framework for appraising the effectiveness of

Equal Opportunities Review
BT makes progress with its approach to employment of older
workers. New Age Discrimination legislation coming into force in
October 2006 will have a profound effect for employers. Setting
an example for other companies, BT has introduced a portfolio of
flexible options in its approach to employing older workers with
a significant increase in its proportion of employees aged over
50 from 13% to 24% in just three years.

Cut and run or stick with it?

How ‘FIT’ is your company?

Shared Services Week 2005, 18 – 19 May, The Celtic Manor, Wales
Enhance customer service and culture * Retain staff * Utilise HR
technology. The one-stop solution for all of your Shared
Services needs – whatever stage of your journey you’re at. For
further information or to book online visit:


How Did I Get Here? Paul Dowie, HR Director at ITN
Paul Dowie talks exclusively to HRZone about how he made it to
the top of the HR tree at news broadcaster, ITN and how scooping
the contract to provide the London news for ITV involved the
challenge of TUPE transfers.

The Couch?! Big Brother house
Which fantasy contestant would get your vote? Margaret Thatcher?
Elvis Presley? Jesus Christ? Florence Nightingale? Shakespeare?

Featured Any Answers question: Sickness and holiday
Q: My company gives a yearly holiday allowance, which must be
used by Dec 31. What is our liability for an employee whose had
several weeks sickness at the end of the year preventing them
from taking pre- booked holiday.

Walter Plinge

Members’ responses
(Edited comments appear – see the site for full details)

There is no entitlement to carry over the statutory element of
holiday entitlement from one holiday year to the next (whatever
the reasons) and there is no entitlement for untaken holiday to
be paid in lieu (except on leaving the company).

If you give more than the statutory holiday entitlement then
other rules might apply to these extra holiday days.

The Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment (that
you are supposed to issue to employees within two months of
their joining) requires you to specify certain aspects of
accruing and paying for holidays. So, you should look at that,
to see what it says.

You should also consider if there is any well established
custom, in your organisation.

Peter Duckitt

Read the full responses to this question – and add your own – at

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

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Annie Hayes


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