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Member wire #92 – CSR and beyond: Does it really pay to be good?


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 92
29 March 2005

1. CSR and beyond: Does it really pay to be good?
2. HR Tip: Reasonable alternative work
3. I&C legislation leaves UK Plc in crisis
4. Government gets tough on corporate manslaughter
5. Any Answers: Post-termination restrictions

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The Guardian’s Britain’s Top Employers

94% of UK employees believe colleagues fake illness

Editor’s note
Having enjoyed a four-day holiday break, you’re probably already
looking forward to the next get-away and with work/life balance
proving to outrank ‘more cash’ as the top reward, employers
could do worse than take a good look at their current policy.

HRZone member Brian Moore is doing just that – see the responses
to his investigation into holiday trading and add your own at:


Annie Hayes

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Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Winchester English; Towry Law; Robert Gordon University; Hill
and Knowlton; Good Relations; Provecta Car Plan Limited; GE
Commercial Finance Fleet Services; WRAY People Management;
SingleSource Computer Services Ltd; Coors Brewers; Castle Inns
Stirling Ltd; HItachi Capital Vehicle Solutions; Gateway Control
Systems; Derwentside District Council; Crawley Borough Council;
AJT Engineering Ltd

The Guardian’s Britain’s Top Employers
The 2005 Edition is now on the book shelves. Here CCSG,
partners in the book, talk about one opportunity that has until
now been missed by many. High on the Agenda in this month’s
budget, it is now starting an avalanche of activity.

Editor’s Choice

CSR and beyond: Does it really pay to be good?
Leo Martin is a director and founder of GoodCorporation, the
corporate responsibility standard and is the principal character
in the BBC’s series, Good Company, Bad Company; in this the
second of a new series ‘CSR and beyond’ Martin looks at how to
make a business case for corporate social responsibility.

HR Tip: Reasonable alternative work
What constitutes ‘reasonable alternative work’ in law?

I&C legislation leaves UK Plc in crisis
The Information and Consultation Regulations will be introduced
into UK law on 6 April 2005 but despite facing potential fines
of up to 75,000 pounds businesses are far from ready to meet the
new obligations.

94% of UK employees believe colleagues fake illness
colleagues take days off when they’re not really ill
That’s just one of the ‘people risk’ issues identified by Aon
Consulting’s Employee Risk @Work report. For more findings – and
suggested actions that will directly improve performance and
profitability – download a free copy of the report.

Top news stories

Government gets tough on corporate manslaughter
Corporate manslaughter will become a new criminal offence if the
Bill, announced last week by Home Secretary Charles Clarke
becomes law.

Pensions Regulator explains new role
The Pensions Regulator has presented its new remit and powers to
an National Association of Pension Funds conference, as it
prepares to take over from Opra as the regulator of pensions in
the UK next month.

Software providers expect PAYE problems
A software industry group has warned that the system used by
employers to send PAYE returns to the Inland Revenue via the
internet has not been properly tested and “will not be able to
cope with demand,” according to a report in Computer Weekly.

White paper pledges to close skills gap
The government has set out the proposals it believes will help
England become “a high skills, high value-added economy” in the
face of competition from China, India and other emerging

Mental Health Action Week begins
Mental Health Action Week (27 March to 2 April 2005) will be
raising awareness of mental health problems and the impact of
stress in the workplace.

Featured Any Answers question: Post-termination restrictions

Q: How restrictive can you safely be with post-termination

Jules Parkinnen

Members’ responses
(Edited comments appear – see the site for full details)

You can only protect your reasonable business interests.

A well drafted confidentiality clause coupled with a non
solicitation of relevant employees and/or clients clause can
often provide better protection post termination than a wide non
competitive one. A period of six to nine months should be
adequate for most businesses.

Alison Wallace

Read the full responses to this question – and add your own – at

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– HR Zone Members Newswire
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