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Confidence really does work!


A ground breaking pilot scheme at the Institute of Psychiatry has produced evidence that suggests ‘self-confidence’ is not only the key to success it is one of the main keys to fighting depression and anxiety.

June Brown presented the results of a study aimed at increasing self-confidence at the 29th Annual Conference of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (BABCP) at Strathclyde University, Glasgow. Not only did participants report an increase in self-esteem but also a decrease in depression and anxiety.

GP’s were only too happy to refer patients to the study. Most who attended had mild to moderate symptoms of depression and the study also attracted individuals who had not consulted their GP about their problems but were also depressed.

Gladeana McMahonGladeana McMahon, spokesperson for the BABCP and author of Confidence Works – learn how to be your own life coach, a self-help book to be published by Sheldon Press later this year said “this is the first time that research of any authority has demonstrated the role that Confidence plays in the psychological well being of individuals. June Brown and her team are truly breaking new ground”

Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) highlights that it is our beliefs, interpretations, and perceptions of life events that determine our feelings, moods, and ultimately, our actions. It is the only therapeutic intervention to have been researched. It can help with a range of emotional, psychological, behavioural and physical problems, and an understanding of CBT could greatly support the work of coaching, mentoring and training workers.

Other books by Gladeana McMahon are:

Coping with Life’s Traumas
Client Assessment

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3 Responses

  1. wow !
    after all these years i now know that self confident people tend to be happier and more successful.i suggest the next research project should be to prove that miserable people are miserable !!!

  2. Groundbreaking?
    How much did it cost to come up with this latest piece of useless information? Surely it’s blindingly obvious that someone with self-confidence is going to feel happier than someone without!

    It is true that self confidence generates psychological well being.But reverse is also true. In other words, psychological well being produces a fair dose of self confidence.

    I guess one can work from either position.

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