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Family responsibilities still restrict careers


According to research by the CIPD, combining work and raising children still forces parents to compromise their careers. 52% of respondents to the survey believe that becoming a parent has affected their career. Among women this rises to 72%. 28% of women had actively downgraded their career since having children, but only 9% of men interviewed had done so.

Main findings

– Nearly half of the 503 respondents had changed their job or role since becoming a parent. Women were twice as likely as men to cite family commitments or lack of family friendly policies as a primary reason for the change. Women are also three times more likely to have changed their working patterns than men, with only 20 % continuing to work the same hours as previously.

– Just under half of the working parents interviewed (46%) worked in organisations where some form of flexible working was available (flexi-time, job-sharing, annualised hours etc). Prevalence of flexible working policies was highest in the service industries and the public sector, whereas only 29% of parents working in the manufacturing or production industry had flexible working options open to them.

– Where flexible working was available, take-up was high – 81% on average. Men and women of all age groups, across all industry sectors and organisation sizes, are keen to take advantage of flexible working arrangements. 15% of working parents work from home more often than previously, but this option was only available to about two-thirds of the sample interviewed.

– 73% of working parents feel that their employer does not offer support sufficient financial support for working parents. Parents tend to feel that they receive more support and understanding from their direct colleagues than their employers.

– Having children is viewed as a major source of stress. 80% of respondents said that having children had increased their stress levels – either slightly or considerably. Interestingly, this stress does not seem to be affected by working status: parents who are working full-time experience similar stress levels to those who have given up work to raise a family.

– Along with childcare commitments, domestic responsibilities and time for partners, many working parents don’t feel they get enough ‘me-time’. Two-thirds (68%) of women interviewed said they didn’t have enough time for themselves. Men are either better at making time for themselves or need less time, since only a half of men interviewed felt they didn’t have enough time to themselves.

– Parents do not feel that the government or UK employers are doing enough to help and support working parents, with 79% and 76% respectively of the parents interviewed saying not enough support is provided. Employers score slightly better than the government overall – 18% agree that they do enough, whereas only 13% think the government is offering enough help.

– Childcare cost is an important issue for working parents. Parents give UK childcare an average score of 4 out of 10 for affordability. Only 25% of parents interviewed felt that childcare costs were acceptable.

Not only does a lack of affordable childcare affect the career choices of women in general; it has more of an impact on lower earners. The CIPD’s survey findings show that in households with an annual income of less than £20 000 per year, women are most likely to give up work completely. In contrast nearly 60 per cent of higher earners – households earning over £40, 000 per year – report that they are working the same number of hours. This comes as no surprise with the average cost of a nursery place in the UK for a child under two, costing over £6000 per year*.

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