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HR Zone Any Answers Digest #8 – Project or line management?, strategic work/life balance, absenteeism…


HRZONE Any Answers Digest – Issue 8
Tuesday 28 May 2002

********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS **********
Line management in a project environment… naming a performance
management process… strategic use of work/life balance…
absenteeism… post-entry interviews
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS **********

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What you asked this fortnight

New questions posted include:

Any examples of companies using Work/Life balance as a strategic
Claire Louise Day

Can anyone suggest catchy (not cheesy) names for a performance
management process, a name which is memorable for the right
reasons? The process in question covers objective setting,
appraisal (including 360), development planning, and reward.
Katrina Wray

Could anyone supply me with the equation which works out the
accrual rate for workers with a variable weekly roster, basically
I want to link holidays accrued to hours worked.
Anna Kearsley

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Featured question: line management in a project environment

Q – Within our Engineering and Operations Department we do not
have rigid Heads of Departments. Individuals continually move
around from project to project, thus line-management occurs
within the project team. This creates a number of issues, the
main ones being:
1.General top-bottom communications do not reach all members of
2.Staff tend not to have one permanent individual that they can
turn to for non-technical/personnel issues as they regularly move
between projects.
3. This can lead to frustration.
Can anyone suggest a strategy that will allow a soft form of
line-management to cut across the technical management occurring
on projects?

Question submitted by Craig Lewis

Members’ responses

(edited responses appear – see the site for full responses)

My experience in the pharmaceuticals industry is to have a
traditional functionally-based organisation with the project
matrix overlaying this. So there are Heads of a particular
skills/functions who are responsible for functional excellence
whilst project managers are responsible for project delivery. You
also need good project review and performance measurement and
rewards and recognition systems.
Richard Bryce


An alternative I have seen work equally well is a mentoring
scheme – an organised resource management and development
structure, designed to
1) Communicate information upwards and downwards
2) Challenge organisational self-limiting beliefs,
3) Support & share expertise amongst team members.
Connall Platts


There are some other key areas that will affect individuals, and
ultimately the bottom line: appraisals, personal development, and
promotional prospects. Equally important is maintaining
contentment within the workforce.

I believe the main area to address is that of roles and
responsibilities. I don’t believe that a ‘soft form of line-
management’ is the answer here. Clearly defined roles for project
managers, team leaders and team members will ensure the best
route to success. It is quite obvious from your comments that a
team leader is necessary. This role could be incorporated with
that of deputy project manager, but clear definitions of
accountabilities and responsibilities is required. I suggest
this, as buy-in for a new role would be hard to accomplish. I
believe that some organisational change is required here.
Clive O’Donnell

To read responses in full, go to

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Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q – How do you calculate a company’s absenteeism rate?
Consuelo Corridori

(see site for responses in full)
A – Number of days lost per month (total the entire
department/company) divided by the total workdays available that
month (work days that month times head count). Which gives you a
percentage. I find this is most useful as it shows what capacity
the department/company was operating on which can be useful
compared to running costs.
Anna Kearsley

A – We benchmark our absenteeism rate using the Chartered
Institute of Personnel & Development’s annual employee
absenteeism report, which you can get free by submitting your
company’s data to the survey. The Industrial Society also produce
an annual benchmarking report on absenteeism.
Hazel Witherspoon

A – Another useful measure for tracking purposes is the number of
absence incidents as opposed to days lost (also useful). For
instance one person on long term sick for 6 months is one
incidence in the year and tells you one thing whilst 10 people
having one day sickie each month would give 120 incidences and
tells you something else.
Richard Bryce


Q – I am currently looking into giving post entry interviews at
the 3 month stage, and I would welcome any advice
Madeleine Roberts

A – (edited response appears – see the site for full responses)
I conduct a follow up meeting with new employees after about
3 mths employment, as part of our Induction package. Areas of
1. Since commencing employment with the Company, is the Company
what you expected it to be?
2. Since commencing employment with the Company, is the job what
you expected it to be?
3. Are there any actions from the Induction process which remain
4. Has all necessary administration concerning Company benefits
taken place?
5. Are your work objectives clearly defined?
6. Are there any training & development needs that have been
Susan Naylor

To see all the responses to this question in full, go to:

Do you have anything to add? Or do you have a problem or a query
on any HR-related subject? Join in now, at

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