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DTI: Ministerial Responsibilities


The Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Minister for Women and Government e-Minister:

  • Overall responsibility for the Department, the Office of Science and Technology, the Export Credit Guarantee Department and the Women’s Unit.

Douglas Alexander, Minister of State for e-Commerce and Competitiveness:
  • Responsibility for e-Commerce, the communications and information industries, the Radiocommunications Agency, consumer goods, business and postal services (including the Post Office), corporate social responsibility and social enterprises.

Alan Johnson, Minister of State for the Regions and Employment Relations:
  • Responsibility for employment relations, regional policy (including Regional Development Agencies), the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) and the Low Pay Commission.

The Rt Hon Baroness Symons, Minister of State for Trade and Investment and Deputy Leader of the House of Lords:
  • Has Ministerial responsibilities in both DTI and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. As DTI Minister, has responsibility for British Trade International (joint with Foreign and Commonwealth Office), trade policy and the Export Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD). Full Ministerial portfolio also includes responsibilities in FCO and the House of Lords.

Brian Wilson, Minister of State for Industry and Energy:
  • Responsibility for industry, including engineering industries and the construction industry, environment policy, energy policy (coal, oil and gas, nuclear and renewable energy) and BNFL.

Nigel Griffiths, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Small Business:
  • Responsibility for small business issues, export controls and non-proliferation. Supports Baroness Symons on trade promotion, investment and policy and Alan Johnson on regional policy.

Melanie Johnson, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Competition, Consumers and Markets:
  • Responsibility for consumer affairs, company law and investigations, competition policy, the Insolvency Service, the Patent Office, Companies House and overall policy on Europe.

Lord Sainsbury, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Science and Innovation:
  • Responsibility for the Office of Science and Technology, innovation policy, the chemicals and biotechnology industries, the British National Space Centre and the National Weights and Measures Laboratory.

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