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Business welcomes A level results and backs AS levels


The rise in A-level and advanced GNVQ passes is good news, and the positive results for AS-levels show the reforms aimed at enabling students to gain a broader range of qualifications were right, said the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) after the results release on Thursday.

John Roberts, Chairman of the CBI's Education and Training Affairs Committee and Chief Executive of Consignia plc, said: "A-levels remain highly valued by employers so it's good news that so many young people are getting good passes and are gaining vocational qualifications at the same level.

"The strong performance of students taking AS-levels, despite some practical problems, is a vindication of the moves to increase the breadth and flexibility of the curriculum. The government should stick with the new qualifications. It is encouraging that a whole range of them have already been taken up.

"We hope that the current review of the Curriculum 2000 reforms, which introduced AS and vocational A-levels, will address the problems of implementation experienced in this first year."

The CBI also called for more emphasis on delivering high quality careers advice and guidance.

"Young people now have more choice than ever and 23 per cent of students who take them achieve low or no grades at A-level. It is vital that they have access to good quality careers advice and guidance so they can make the right decisions."

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