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Becky Norman


Managing Editor


Most-read HRZone articles of 2017


We’ve done a roundup of the most-read HRZone articles in 2017. Topics span leadership, people analytics, diversity, wellbeing, employee engagment and more. Check the list and make sure you haven’t missed out on what your peers have already read.

1. Six reasons why people analytics will be central to the future of HR

By David Green, writer at IBM Watson Talent.

2. HR data and GDPR: what you need to know about consent (and why not to rely on it)

By Sue Lingard, Cezanne HR.

3. Four ways for HR to become a force for innovation

By Lucy Adams, CEO at Disruptive HR.

4. How to conserve mental energy during the day

By Hilary Scarlett, Consultant at Scarlett & Grey.

5. Why leaders need to be positive thinkers

By Jon Gordon, best-selling author and speaker.

We also took a look at the five most popular articles within each quarter of 2017…

January – March

1. Achieving gender balance is about men – not women

By Nadia Nagamootoo, Director, Avenir Consulting.

2. The five biggest mistakes in employee engagement

By Karin Volo, Chief Joy Bringer, Bringing Joy to the World.

3. Looking ahead in 2017: What will be trending in HR tech?

By Kate Wadia, Managing Director, Phase 3 Consulting

4. Whose job is it anyway? How HR can spearhead digital change in organisations

By Mark O’Donoghue, Global Managing Director, AVADO.

5. A snowball started rolling: lessons from Norway about gender quotas on boards

By Eskil Le Bruyn Goldeng, Senior Lecturer, The University College of South-East Norway

April – June

1. HR data and GDPR: what you need to know about consent (and why not to rely on it)

By Sue Lingard, Cezanne HR.

2. Four ways for HR to become a force for innovation

By Lucy Adams, CEO at Disruptive HR.

3. Are your employees surviving or thriving at work?

By Mary Craig, Founder,

4. Walking meetings at work: how, what, why, when

By Jeff Archer, Director, The Tonic.

5. Remote workers – out of sight, out of mind?

By Karen Drury, Internal Communication advisor, executive coach, fe3 consulting.

July – September

1. Six reasons why people analytics will be central to the future of HR

By David Green, writer at IBM Watson Talent.

2. Why leaders need to be positive thinkers

By Jon Gordon, best-selling author and speaker.

3. Six HR archetypes driving digital change

By Helen Rosethorn, Partner, Prophet.

4. How to be a successful people analytics leader

By Jonathan Ferrar, Founder & CEO, Ochre Rock.

5. 10 (scientifically-proven) tips for being a better boss

By Elena Wilski, Managing Consultant, Gallup.

October – December

1. Mindfulness in the workplace – taking a grassroots approach

By Paul Barrett, Head of Wellbeing, Bank Workers Charity

2. Emotional intelligence: Do you know the four basic components?

By Jacqueline Hinds, Emotional Intelligence Coach & Leadership Consultant, Wilson Hinds Consulting Ltd.

3. Data storytelling – Know your audience

By Jonathan Ferrar, Founder & CEO, Ochre Rock

4. How to conserve mental energy during the day

By Hilary Scarlett, Consultant at Scarlett & Grey.

5. Why diversity initiatives fail

By Stephen Frost, Principal at Frost Included.



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Becky Norman

Managing Editor

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