We have found recently (in general) that the levels of frustration and swearing (and moaning) in the office seemed to have increase somewhat and we’re conscious that it would be preferable to keep this to a minimum rather than create a culture where it is seen as being ‘ok’.
My Manager would like me to send out a memo/notice to all employees reminding them of acceptable levels of behaviour. I’m struggling with what to write and wondered if anyone could help?
In summary he wants something that says:
emphasising appropriate behaviour, refering to the corporate values, mutual respect for others and thier opinions etc, not forgetting the fact that we may have external representives/visitors onsite at anytime and we don’t want to leave them wrong impression, suggest tone firm/assertive with regard expectation going forward and remind them we have procedures to deal with these issues
Can anyone help ASAP?
Tamsin Elliot