A friend has asked me if it is fair or indeed lawful to supply air-conditioning and water coolers to office staff whilst the workshop staff employed by the same company in another part of the same building swelter in overalls and safety gear and have only tap water to drink and a fan or two. (plus a hot drinks machine)

Over the last few days the heat in the workshop has been unbearable and when one worker said they would have to go home as they were feeling so unwell they were threatened with a disciplinary. In parts of the workshop welding and sheet metal work are carried out, the equipment used thus adding to the already high natural heat from the weather.

Surely all employees should be given the same facilities? There is also possibly a higher risk of accidents with employees using welding and other tools in a state of heat exhaustion? Wielding a mouse cannot really be compared with the effort required to use engineering and other tools!

Advice on this would be much appreciated
Susan Bicknell