Help, I think I may have messed up! We have an employee who has requsted to work part time. I completely forgot that this person did not have young dependants and said that she has a right to request the part time work and that she should put request in writing and we had a duty to consider it. This she did and I have agreed with her relevant bosses that in principle it is fine to reduce her hours once we have sorted the logistics out, ie, hours to be covered elswhere etc. However, she mentioned that her reasons for wanting to work part time were partially health related and she felt it would give her a better work life balance. Her boss is now querying this and feels we should be involving occupational health. I’ve already told her it is fine in principle and I had told her boss that anyone has the right to request to work part time provided we do not have sound business reasons for refusing. Where do I go from here? I’ve told her it’s ok but now it may not be and I’ve told her boss anyone had the right to request and now I’ve remembered this only applies to carers of children under 6 or disabled under 18! Personally I don’t think allowing her to work part time would cause any detrimental effect to the organisation as although we would have to advertise for someone to cover the extra work it would still be cost neutral. Should I involve occupational health? Any advice most welcome, thanks!
Kirsa Edwards