I work for a local authority and part of my job role is to co-ordinate our apprenticeship programme. Apprentices are employed on a three year contract of employment and have all the same terms and conditions as other council employees. Obviously the aim is for them to achieve all their framework and obtain full term permanent employment with the council. If for any reason they have not obtained permanent employment then six months before contract terminates they go onto redeployment.
I have an apprentice who is due to go on maternity leave in October and intends to take the maximum she can. She will be 2 years and 1 month into her contract at that time. We aim to finish her qualifications before she goes on maternity leave, however the last year of her contract would be spent on maternity leave. I get the impression that her team are willing to let her come back after maternity leave and to go straight onto redeployment. Is she entitled to her last full year of apprenticeship or just redeployment for six months. Worse case scenario could they say that as her contract will be expired whilst on maternity leave that she can’t return at all, ie out of contract. I know nothing at all about HR but I am concerned that she gets everything she is entitled to.
Sorry so long winded.
Thanks Linda
linda hardcastle