I am working on my dissertation for a management development MSc through Sheffield Hallam University. My dissertation research is based on the theme “Volunteering an effective medium for management development”.
My preliminary research includes using two questionnaires: one of which asks for information about your experience volunteering and the other is geared towards directors, managers and trainers – examining why organisations get involved in volunteering in the community/society/environment.
I would be grateful if you would share around 15 minutes of your time completing either of these questionnaires, Please follow the appropriate link:
You as a volunteer: http://www.corporate-service-learning.com/Masters/PIC_Form.asp
You as a company representative: http://www.corporate-service-learning.com/Masters/HRIC_Form.asp
The first page is a consent form, explaining that the questionnaire is confidential.
I would also welcome your thoughts and/or experiences regarding:
combining experiential learning and volunteering,
skills and competencies that could be developed through volunteering,
key success factors or limitations of combining volunteering and management development.
Thank you in advance of your consideration.
Kind Regards
Todd Heskett (taheskett@hotmail.com)
My dissertation website: http://www.corporate-service-learning.com/
Todd Heskett