I’d like some advice around how to request a more flexible working pattern in my current job. i am contracted to do 35 hours a week (ie Monday to Friday 9-5 with a 1 hr lunch break) I have flextime in my current job and generally work from 8.30 to 6 (lunch varies) in order to my job. I therefore give away hours regularly but I do understand that this was “voluntary” (I would say that the company expects this to be worked and if I worked 9-5 I would not be considered for promotion etc). Currently year to date I have worked 112 hours extra, ie 16 days.
My mother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and obviously I would like to visit as often as is possible (my parents live in Newcastle I am based in Kent). I have requested every 2nd or 3rd weekend off as a long weekend (ie Friday and Monday off work). I requested that this be taken into consideration out of my flex time each month but have been told that I can not do this as “it would be unfair on other members of staff”.; the request was dismissed immediately.
The time that I am at home will be to allow my Dad to get a break as he is my mother’s primary carer – ie providing “respite” care for him – would this allow me to be able to qualify as a “secondary carer” and therefore have a legal obligation for flexible working to be considered and if so is my work able to decline this request.
I am happy to work my 35 hours in 4 days (i do this normally anyway), or for work to provide me with the resources to work from home/whilst travelling and there are elements of my job that could be completed remotely.
I have been told that I have to take any time off as holiday and then when my holiday leave has ran out I need to take it as unpaid leave; obviously if this is what I have to do I will do it.
Please can anyone advise if I have any rights in this situation, or any alternatives as to how I can get work to be more accommodating.