“I have


a poor performing line manager in my team, the issues are:

·         There is no team motivation in his department

·         He is not spending anytime training & developing his new team members

·         He is not addressing the poor performers in the team

 As a result of this his department has the highest staff turnover and sickness absence of the 5 departments. His operating costs are 30% higher than the other departments (Recruitment costs/overtime payments)

 Some other facts:

·      There are no personal problems behind this, he is well paid and knows he will not get a job with the same salary/benefits easily.

·      The previous middle manager/executive allowed this manager to perform this way.

·      This line manager took a grievance out against the previous middle manager/executive for bullying when he was approached about his poor performance.

·      Although there were clear facts of poor-performance the organisation upheld the complaint to appease the situation.

·      The company owners will not consider paying him off or transferring him!

I know have to treat this line manager ‘fairly and reasonably’ the question is this:

 “What do I do, where do I start?”