Thus far in April I’ve concentrated on the first step out of the metaphorical creek. That is before we do anything we need to stop, release the fear and ensure we’re in a positive and resourcful state. We’ve looked at the impact of kindness, relaxation and positivity and explored the antidotes to stress. I’ll continue this thread for the next week and aim to move onto putting on our Life Jacket’s in May.
As ever today’s blog comes from learning from my Personal Training when we were boxing. During the session I got a few twinges from muscles that I knew I shouldn’t be using. On assessing my technique we realised I was over extending myself. If I continued for too long then the twinges would turn into something with longer term damage and impact.
That got me wondering about how we over extend ourselves in life. We try too hard, we push to far, we do too much. In the short term perhaps not a problem at all. But just like in PT today if we continue the strategy of over extending then we can’t help but be impacted in the long term.
If I’d got my technique right I’d have been more effective. Which reminds me of a fabby session with Graham Canning of the Kaizen Institute the other week that had me thinking about applying lean principles to every day life not just car manufacturing! Sometimes being effective it’s not about doing more but less.
I wonder what we could all do differently to stop our over extension and also what we, and those we work with, can do to stop others over extending?