This week has been taken over by election fever. Well, for me anyway. I was and am still overly excited about the whole thing, political animal that I am.

Along with some of the other sites of SiftMedia we held a Cover it Live blog all last night – which continues over the weekend, until we have a solid result. We have had a whole panel of experts dipping in and out whenever they are available to comment on the on-going events. You can pop over and comment too at any point and even read the comments from last night. Find out what we discussed including what another budget might mean for us, speculating on who might get into bed with who – politically speaking – and what we thought of Sam Cam’s dress. Intellectual stuff – well, for 2am anyway.

What do you think is likely to happen? Will a Lib/Con coalition be bad for business? So many questions…and we need answers soon.

Continuing the political theme we have a lighthearted piece for you which raises the question of what fallen MPs will do next. Would you consider them a new talent pool or have MPs had it too easy?

Expenses were not forgotten by the electorate even if they weren’t a key talking point last night, and this month we are talking about reward with these very issues in mind. We’ve got features coming up to consider where reward is heading and what reward will mean in the future. How do you motivate with no or little budget? How can we prevent the banking rewards damaging the industry, and have we relied on cash for too long?

We already considered what total reward is and how it is tied to employer brand: plus I’m delighted to announce we have another new blog on site. Perhaps inspired by the article from CIPD, Employer brand is the brand is the first post from Reputation and inspiration by Deborah Lewis.

Looking forward to next week I will be visiting a very exciting exhibition, the Art of Engagement – I’ll be sure to update you with what I discover there!

With very best wishes
