A particular topic which has really galvanised readers of our Brand Inside Report was the question of who has responsibility for employee engagement inside an organisation. One reader observed that the answer lies with the CMO in that if we can "unleash the power of the brand inside then mountains can be moved."
Another agreed that best practice must be led by the Board with "HR and Marketing working much more collegiately, dispensing with the conflicting agendas and silo approach to ensure employee engagement is a shared responsibility."
So we’ve put out a challenge to all brand marketers out there – are you prepared to make the necessary changes in skills, priorities and budgets to unlock the immense power your brand has to engage not only with your external audience but your internal one too?
We’re asking "If you’re not – why not?" and HR teams should be too.
The topic is increasingly coming to the top of the CEO/boardroom agenda who will be looking to marketers as the guardians of their brand to answer for their stewardship. With rising demands for better value returns all the time, diverting just a small part of brand investment this way makes good, good sense.
Let us know what you think and tell us what help you need to leverage this precious resource and so drive real change in your business to create a brand-hearted culture inside.
Of course if what’s holding you back is knowing how to go about it, then the team at Woodreed would be delighted to lend you a helping hand.