Recognise This! – Multiple global workforce studies report the same thing: employee engagement leads to profits, but employees don’t have what they need to be engaged or stay with your firm.

Towers Watson has just issued its latest Global Workforce Study. Limited information on the report is available at this time, including, but you can pre-register to receive the full report soon. Hay Group also issued a global employee engagement study showing that “depressed employee engagement stunts global business performance.” Much of this also aligns with findings from Globoforce’s Spring 2012 Workforce Mood Tracker of employee attitudes in the workplace today.

Across them all, these 3 themes continually bubble to the top, offering strong validation of the findings on a global basis.

1)      Organisations with cultures that foster high engagement are vastly more profitable than those that don’t.

2)      Employees lack the support they need to be engaged.

3)      Employee loyalty continues to plummet.

Later today I’ll write more on Towers Watson’s idea of Sustainable Engagement and what that means for employees. In the meantime, do you have the support you need to get your job done? If you had more resources, more guidance and more recognition, would you work harder?