If you have ever wondered how to successfully lead a hardworking and innovative Gen Y’er – you may have given up, thinking they don’t exist!

But there are many exceptions the “typical” onesie-wearing, Facebook addicted, slovenly Gen Y’er.

There are countless 20-something self-made millionaires, entrepreneurs and managers taking the corporate world by storm, and just as many chomping at the bit to learn from the Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers before them. 

Today’s leaders should want their Gen Y team members to look up to them, learn from them, and eventually take the lead (sooner rather than later if you ask any Gen Y). But how can you expect a Gen Y’er to be your new ‘up and coming’, if you treat them like the new kid on the block?

As a Gen Y’er myself, here’s what you can do to win the hearts of your Gen Y team members:

So, when you are looking among your Gen Y team members thinking, “Who can I trust to run this place once I’m gone?”, if you've created a learning environment where Gen Y’ers feel challenged, valued and useful, you should have your pick from an amazing bunch of strong minded, skilled and well-connected young adults.