How shop floor visibility and data gathering can drive efficiency

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Technology never slows down, so why should your business? Every single day we’re seeing the relationship between technology and business evolve across a range of sectors, making things easier for workers and consumers alike. In more recent years, the focus has been on automation and how it can help businesses in logistics and manufacturing lower their costs. Far from replacing the human element, this technology is helping to increase production capacity, enhance efficiency and reduce human error.

Automation already exists across many businesses, but most HR solutions are woefully under-prepared to take full advantage of the potential this tech provides. Not only that, but the way employees work is changing, and HR departments needs to keep up in order to stay competitive and relevant. This all boils down to one key issue: visibility.

Why not take a look at the eBook for more information on how Equator HR can help you drive efficiency.


This whitepaper covers:

  • Why are real-time data and visibility so valuable?
  • How businesses can gain visibility on the shop floor
  • The importance of integration with ERP


Equator from K3 provides companies across a diverse range of industries with a fully integrated human resources software solution encompassing Payroll, Time and Attendance, Access Control, Employee Portal, Real-Time Data Collection and Personnel Management.

Equator is available as discrete modules or as a fully integrated suite of software. It can integrate with most desktop, ERP and back office systems and has comprehensive functionality which is enhanced further by its native ability to capture data electronically, in real time, using devices barcodes, proximity tags, biometric readers and touch screen technology, including iPhones and android devices.

K3 have been designing, developing and implementing our Equator Human Resource solution for over 20 years and the unrivalled functionality is matched by our product support and on-going development. Thousands of employees use our solution 24 hours a day 365 days a year and it is available as an on premise, Cloud, SaaS or bureaux service

Equator is continually developed to reflect the latest statutory changes as they are introduced and allows electronic data transfer by the Internet.

Designed to be feature rich and easy to use, Equator is a truly integrated product written entirely by K3. At its core is the Equator database, residing on the Microsoft SQL platform, which alleviates the need for duplication of data entry and provides across module reporting. Core functionality in the HR module includes Recruitment, Training, Health and Safety including PPE and equipment recording, COSHH and RIDDOR requirements along of course with the required features for calculating pay from captured data and satisfying all the HMRC requirements for information submission.

Equator may be run as an in-house application or may be provided as a hosted or Cloud solution. K3 are a leading supplier of Cloud based solutions via our Managed Services division.

Due to the modular nature of the product suite it provides a flexible solution to fit your needs with the ability to increase functionality as and when you need it.

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