Is there a case reference to the following scenario:
If I go into HR and raise a work harassment allegation against another member of staff with whom I dont even work with. Not even in the same area.
And then give HR my mobile phone for them to keep or go to them over a 3 week period to give them the mobile so that they can download the messages onto their system i.e. collude with them. Part of what I allege is that I am being send text messages from the other person’s private mobile phone. Both phones do not belong to the Company, they are private mobile phones.
The Company then starts to covertly record, monitor and process the messages coming in without informing the other person.
They then use the same messages to suspend the other employee. In the hearing they use private messages to ask about:
1) so you got another job offer?
2) Whats this about your family dying in Turkey?
3) You have a breakdown of relationship with another collegue?
Can they do that? Is there any relevant case ref or laws they have broken?
Many thanks.
hh hh