I handed in my notice on Friday 27th July with a resignation date of Thursday 30th August(with 15 days annual leave to be in addition to that date). I only required to give 4 weeks notice but my boss was going on holiay so I gave him the resignation at 4pm on his last day prior to his holiday. He was stressed (as people tend to be organising things before annual leave) and, although polite, obviously did not appreciate the timing.
He is now back from his annual leave and on Friday 17th August he asked me at about 4.30pm to leave the office at the end of that working day. His explanation was that my annual leave should have come off my leaving date rather than have been in addition to it. He added that he wanted to avoid confusion to the client about who was the main contact for my project, my replacement having been in employment for 3 days. I explained that I felt that the replacement was not yet up to speed, I had not yet cleared my desk, organised my e-mails, completed filing etc as I wanted to leave things organised. I also added that making someone leave immediately was what employers do to someone who has done something seriously wrong (i.e. theft) since he was not accusing me of anything like that why was I being asked to leave? We negotiated an additional week but this is still earlier than my original resignation date.


G Ralston

G Ralston