Hi There

This is the first time i have come across an issue like this and I wanted to check the views of other HR professionals.

We have an employee Miss X, she socialises with many of the factory lads (she herself being ina responsible staff position). Rumour is rife that she acts very promiscuously on these nights out with the other employees. This has included sending some explicit photographs via multimedia messenging I am told.

It’s worth me pointing out that he parents also work the the company (as far as I know they have not heard the rumours!), and the rumour mill has gotten as far as the MD who wants some form of action.

I am concerned that her action outside of work will affect her career, in terms of people respecting her in her current and any future roles. Also this type of behaviour could lead to all kinds of work place conflicts with herself, her parents and any of the other employees involved.

Now I am happy to talk directly to the employee about her actions, and their impact at work, and generally about professionalism and respect from her peers. I’m just stuck with the ‘grey’ area of out of work behaviour!!

Any guidance and views would be of help!

claire buckley