Our Organisation has a partnership with a Cancer Charity and we hold fund raising events throughout the year.  Our regular event is a monthly dress down day where staff contribute £2.00 to wear regular clothes.

We are considering introducing a Payroll deduction/Giving scheme where we make deductions direct from from salaries.

When introducing this to staff we are assuming that staff will take part at the minimum donation of £2.00 per month (more if they wish).We propose writing to all staff explaining the scheme and confirming the date it will come into effect.  We will include an opt out form for them to complete if they prefer not to participate.  

I have checked the Payroll Giving website, which is very useful and it refers to Donation Forms to send out to staff.   Is this a requirement like a salalry sacrafice form, or can we just make gross deductions and transfer monies direct to our charity?

If anyone has details of similar schemes and how your operate them I would be interested in receiving details. 
