Years ago in the days of the unchartered IPD and IM (Institute of Mangement), I would often come across senior managers in HR who were members of both organisations. Since 2000 I haven’t noticed this so much now,despite there being possibly good career reasons for having both MCIPD and MCMI. OK so the road to achieving Chartered Manager is different than the CIPD, you can gain MCMI but then you have to take separate assesmments to gain Chartered Manager and be reassessed in the future to maintain it.

So what reasons could there be? achieving CIPD graduate membership is a great achievement and better still if you can upgrade to the Chartered grades (MCIPD/FCIPD). So why choose to get Chartered Manager status? I have often met people who despite having followed a HR career have to move into a non HR job to progress in that company and avoid dare I say the glass ceiling, it may be that there is just not the opportunities to advance any further, and of course its is annoying when you see someone who is parachuted in to the top job from outside HR.

A couple of years ago a during a discussion on trainingzone some forum members thought that having MCMI helped their careers.

What do others think?
Paul Strickland