I currently work as a Senior HR Admin in my company for 3 years. The department has now been restructured and a position of HR Assistant has now been created which I have applied for as it is slighly more senior and will give me more of an inslight to ER etc which is what I have been pushing for since I started.
I was interviewed etc along with a few external applicants and I have now been told that I have not been sucessful and they have chosen somebody with more knowledge which I understand. The probelm I have is that they could not give any reasons as to why they did not consider my length of service or my track record etc or even how I would gain the knowledge needed to be able to apply in the future. There have been many other positions in the business that internal people apply for and they all get the job. A few things have happened over the past few months and I am starting to think that they are trying things to push me into leaving.
I am now doing 3 peoples jobs with no support from anybody and when I spoke to the manager I was struggling he told me to work harder.
I was promised that they business would sponsor me for my PDS but the start date for that has come and gone and im still waiting for him to give me a straight answer as to why they changed their mind but other people in the department have had courses and qualifications paid for with no issue.
Should I raise a grievence? Any advise would be a great help to me.