I have recently left employment with one company and moved to another. My question is, on my final pay packet the old employee with held some salary.
Essentially I handed my notice in to finish at the end of month. I had the last week of the month booked of as holiday, and was ill on my last day of work before this holiday. I rang in sick, but it appears the message was not received, and they claim to have had no luck in ringing me.
Because of this they have assumed I wished to terminate my contract earlier than the end of the month, so thus deducted 6 days salary, and adjusted my holiday days as I didnt work a full work. in affect they paid 2 days unused holiday, so paid 4 days. However I am not sure if they can legally take these days off me from one unauthorised absence? I’m unclear really as to where I stand in getting the money owed to me back.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sorry for the rambling nature, but I’m at loss as what to do.
Simon Jones