I have recently bneen informed that my payslips will be sent via email. I have been requested to provide a personal email address and told that my payslips will be sent to this address via an attachment. I have also been told that if i don’t provide a personal email address then the payslip will be sent to the premises meail address where i don not have access to the computer. However the manager has acces to this email account as does his delegates. The manager does not process my wages. He uses an internal system to communicate how many hours I work then payroll process my wages and send my payslip which is sealed. He does not normally have access to my payslips.

If they send my payslip to my manager is this a breach in my data protection as he does not know how much deductions i make but should the email be sent to him then he will and so will other members of staff. Also I am never in work on the day the payslips would be emailed either, restricting even further my access to my payslip.

Is this legal.

Any help is appreciated.