Hi Everyone,

Back in Dec 09 / Jan 10 us managers were urged to complete apprasials for our staff and our own self apprasials. This was duly done. We were informed that a date would be given for managers apprasials shortly.

Then they laid off our only part time HR manager and advised any issues to go direct to the directors (we’re a small company).

Although I have continually asked when my apprasial will be, I have been fobed off with "next week". I’m still waiting for next week to happen!! I’ll be going on Maternity leave in September and wonder if its worth chasing for. Ideally I’d like to have some feedback from my directors before I go. I have already informed one director that I am not happy at the moment, was told lets see what we can do and I’ve had no follow up with this. 

Its dragging on and I don’t know how to proceed. Some advice from HR professionals would be gratefully received. Do I write to them to let them know I want my apprasial, as so far, asked both verbally and by email and in person but to no avail. 

Thank you kindly.
