Hi, we are a very small company (2 full time and 1 part time), and we have a member of staff who has had over 22 days off sick in the last year. All the sick days have been one or two days at a time. The vast majority occur on Monday’s and Friday’s or before or after a holiday. We have invited her to a meeting to discuss the time off, she has replied stating that she has an ongoing medical condition and that she will be bringing her solicitor.

When we employed her she did not at any stage indicate that she had a serious medical condition. She has since then said that she has a medical condition, but we have never at any time being provided with any evidence. Clearly we have never had a sick note as the days off have never been more than one or two days.

I am unclear what we have to do, as we are such a small company this has had a massive impact, and quite frnakly we need an employee who is more reliable. In particular it seems suspicious that she is only ill on Monday’s and Friday’s, but I don’t know if I can state that in the meeting.

Any and all assistance will be gratefully received!