I have a couple of questions regarding the admin procedure for flexible working requests. My understanding is that these requests can come from any employee, and not just parents and carers.

Parents and carers have a statutory right to apply, and specific admin procedures are set to deal with their applications (e.g. written application guidelines, timing of decisions, right to appeal); I’m wondering if these procedures also apply to the employees that request to work flexibly outside the statutory right situation, and, if so, how they should be adapted.

Will "standard" written application suffice, with no mention of "caring responsibilities", and will the employee have the same right to appeal if the application is rejected?

Finally (and generally speaking, including parents and carers), I was wondering whether the employee’s whole contract should be re-issued as a result, or a signed letter that details the flexible working arrangement and states that it is a change to the person’s employment T&Cs is enough.

Many thanks in advance.