I am a trustee with Personnel responsibility for a small charity. An elderly male volunteer has been working for the charity one day a week for many years. A year ago a new female member of paid staff started with the organisation and she and the volunteer became friends. She invited him to various social gatherings at her house and he visited her home and family. One day she was with the volunteer, out of office hours, in a local park with her children. The volunteer made a very determined (and physical) pass at her. She was shocked. She cannot now be in the same room as him which has made the situation at work very awkward. It has also emerged that another member of staff also felt that the volunteer acted in an inappropriate way and would get too close to her for comfort and not move away when asked. The manager of the charity has asked the volunteer not to come to the office, effectively dismissing him, as other staff are not willing to work with him. He has appealed against this. Has the charity management acted appropriately? What can we do regarding this appeal?
Helen Corpe