i was dismissed for gross misconduct for breach of trust, i worked as an estate agent for 6 years as senior valuer, i went to a property and the potential client would not list the property due to the hips and commission costs because of thier financial position, i felt sorry for these people and gave them a telephone number of one of my clients who buys and sells many properties through my employers, the potential client contacted the developer who did not wish to proceed but passed them onto another, my employer has said this amounted to breach of trust therfor gross misconduct and sacked me instantly, i only did this to help someone and did not benifit in any way, i did not under value the property and had no further dealings. my contract has no section on what would or wouldn’t be misconduct.
i felt i did nothing wrong and would do the same again if put in the same situation and believe it was an excuse to reduce cash flow in the current housing climate. any help would be appritiated as i cannot afford a solicitor to fight my tribunal claim and can’t even get my mortgage protection to pay due to it being misconduct.
steve jones