I’ve read through other posts about long term sickness, but my query seems to be a little different.

We have a discretionary element within our absence policy, to extend sick pay in exceptional circumstances. This has been rarely used in the past, but coincidentally we have three, absolutely genuine, cases where a member of staff has reached the end of our sick pay policy. As a management team we are now trying to work out a consistent yet flexible way to accommodate ‘exceptional circumstances’.

Does anyone have a procedure they would be willing to share about this process? What we’ve dreamed up so far is a process where someone coming to the end of their sick pay is given the opportunity to submit reasons why their circumstances should have special consideration, and that this information is submitted to a 3 person panel of senior managers, not including the line manager – although the line manager would have the opportunity to input.

I would very much appreciate the input of others to this issue!

Many thanks


Nina Waters