I am a training manager within a large distribution shed, our new team of 6 middle managers have inherited numerous poor-performance issues within the line management team. 

We have tried the legal training approach but the legal begal we used only succeeded in painting worse case scenarios and freighted them off from tackling poor performance. All material presented related to gross-misconduct issues not poor performance.

We employed a HR guru all she did was bored the pants off them with procedural info they already knew. Again a great deal of the material related to gross-misconduct not poor performance. When questioned about poor performance, ‘appraisal’ was the only thing offered. What also disappointed us was that all the material related to employees poor performance rather than manager poor performance.

We have also tried all the Dale Carnegy motivational type training and the GROW model concept went down like a lead balloon, it is certainly not motivational, inspirational or inspiring to managers.

What I need is a provider who can give my middle manager; no nonsense, in the face, practical ‘manager’ performance management training. Is there anybody out there who can help me?