I know this may sound like an age-old moan, but does anyone have any advice on how I can focus on HR issues and deliver on day to day office management responsibilities?

I am an HR Manager in a young organisation of about 100. In my first few months I agreed a strategy for HR and people management, set up basic metrics and implemented a regular staff survey. The next part of my plan was to set the framework for managing people – but I just can’t seem to move any further forward. I also have responsibility for managing the office and its services and administration – which is conflicting and time consuming. I have a staff of 2 inexperienced office juniors.

All my previous roles have been in large companies, where my responsibility has been solely for HR. My usual tactic of planning and prioritising isn’t working – firefighting always gets the better of me. I don’t want to resort to asking for more resources as I think 1:100 is a reasonable ratio. Is there anything else I could try? Has anyone got any tips on how to blend the two responsibilities successfully? Or am I asking the impossible?