Hoping you can offer some reflections/thoughts here folks.
Just wondering how to look at developing employee volunteering within an organisation going through reorganisation and change. Looking specifically at using the ‘gifting’ of time and skills to local people/communities as a means of developing self value, pride and making a difference BUT facing the following ‘barriers’, these being:
– staff feeling powerless about joining in; due to factors such as covering sickness absence cover/stress/workload.
– cynicism/disbelief in employees that they really can take a day away from work and get involved.
– no visible ‘approval’ or endorsement of CCI from the top; only spoken support, but CCI has been linked CPD reviewing (not widely publicised though).
I’ve worked in the vounteering work development field for some time now and the vision to create positive change remains but how can this spirit of possibility survive through a climate of change and employee uncertainty.
I suspect there are no magic answers, but local people and communities do value practical skills and help hugely, it seems a shame that the message of ‘giving to gain’ struggles to get through sometimes.
Pete / Peopleprojects