I have been loaned to another department for up to 2 months as they are extremely busy. My manager did not inform me, but informed another team member who then told me. The person they told is not senior but does the same job as me. The role I am moving to is completely different to what I currently do, and is phone based. I asked my manager if this role involved phone work – he said he wouldn’t have thought so. Also, the original communication from him was incorrect as I was told originally I was moving as a Team Leader.
I have started the training, and it is evident the information I was told was incorrect, and it seems my manager was avoiding conflict. The training itself is a two week course squeezed into two days (covering only part of it).
There has been a complete break down in communication, and it seems that the whole process was a cover up from start to finish.
I spoke to HR today and they mentioned ‘constructive bullying’ – what is this, and do I have any rights in this scenario?
Nathan Harrington