An employee of our last attended work on Tuesday 11 May. In the post on Saturday I received a recorded delivery letter notifying me that they had resigned because they had found another job, they gave one weeks notice from 14 May. They haven’t turned up for work today.

I have received no medical certificates to explain their absence.

This is the third time they will have resigned although they have only worked for me for 6 months. The previous two times I talked to her and persuaded her to come back to work, since the second time, 6 weeks ago, we have had regular 1:1 to monitor work load etc.

The job isn’t stressful, I am a fair and reasonable employer.

I am going to accept the resignation as I don’t want this disruption unsettling my other employees.

Do I have to pay for the notice period if it has not been worked?

Many thanks for your help.