We are a small supermarket working to enhance our benefits package. One method already in place is an annual bonus paid to all employees based on whether the store exceeds set financial targets.
However, departments are also set annual targets individually and we would like to pay a second bonus to employees whose departments exceed set financial targets.
Whilst that is straight forward enough, how do we reward the employees whose departments have no financial responsibility? Although they would qualify for the ‘store’ bonus it seems unfair that employees in departments such as Administration or Checkout would not have the opportunity to gain a departmental bonus.
We have considered using other nonfinancial measures, but what would be considered fair measures? Rather than looking at criteria that would apply to individuals we want to encourage team work.
Another point to consider is that one of these departments employs a large number of people on working holiday visas so has a high staff turnover – we don’t want our permanent employees in this department to be at a disadvantage because their temporary colleagues aren’t likely to be employed at the time the bonuses are paid out.
We are not in a position to pay bonuses on anything other than an annual basis.
I’d be grateful for any advice or guidance!

Lucie Jerome