One of our workers was employed on a 3 month contract on 12th November 2005. Since that time, she has put forward 2 grievances against direct supervisors; one of which resulted in a written warning for the supervisor; the other one was unfounded. She has also had 4 days absence (2 separate occasions) in the 3 month period.

The Shift Manager wishes to release this individual since her contract is complete. However, he is keeping the other temporary employees on and extending them by a further 6 months. I am concerned about the message this is sending out, that he is singling this individual out by not renewing her contract.

By rights, I think legally he is ok to do it – but bearing in mind that this individual has already raised 2 grievances in 3 months, I believe she may raise a complaint about her termination also.

Any advice anyone?
Lesley Keenan